Chronicles of an ADD-challenged novice knitter who wants a mouse on the end of my needles and voice recognition software so we can write the book, blog, surf and knit simultaneously...
Here's a shot of the witch cat (at least according to dear hubby.) She's a mouser - the one on the computer, that is! I keep telling her she makes a better door than a window, but I don't think she cares...
There are so many knitting blogs out here in cyberspace that I can (and literally have) lost entire days reading them, searching for free patterns and looking for new fiber to covet and drool over. Well, being an aspiring writer in addition to fiber-addict, I figure I might as well jump into the fray (so to speak).
I keep saying that I'm just a beginner, but the owner of my LYS says that I'm intermediate. As opposed to medium? Whatever. I'm working on my 4th pair of (very basic) socks. I have completed a tank top that is an education in fabric and absolute proof that the swatch is pretty essential to my life as a knitter. At least if I want to wear what I knit. I've done about a bazillion scarves of various combinations of fabric (okay maybe it's only 7 or so.) I've made several bags - they were a good education in technique and does the swatch matter? Not so much...
I come from a short line of knitters (my grandma and mom) but it was my sister that created the fiber monster that I have become. She sent me home in 2004 with some pink wool and a pair of Crystal Palace bamboo size 13's and said, "Go forth and knit." And it's been a long slippery slope into addiction from there. She came for Thanksgiving in 2005 and brought sock yarn and DPN's - enter the sock fetish era. I've just started knitting some lace and I'm dying to try some entrelac (isn't that something you take for the runs?)
Well, that's my something. I'll take some photos of my FO's and some UFO's, too. That's ugly FO's - figured I had to use that somewhere! I'll be posting some of my fave blogs, fiber spots, and other assorted useless information that might have some entertainment value to my readers. I always said, I could have been a brain surgeon if my head wasn't filled up with useless trivia - this looks like a good place for a download. TTFN!